The Framed Picture

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

And now for somthing....

OK here's how this works. Anyone who comes across this is obligated to wite thier nbame and ten things about themselves in the comment box. Chow yall

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

On the rock

Well the rock is an Air Conditioned hut in Emily Park, Ontario. I work at the gate and it's so good. So far anyway. I like my job and I make roughly 50$ a day and it feels really good. To have money at my disposal feels really good. Almost as good as tanning outside did. I work with some really cool people. Like 5 girls and 1 guy. Go figure. There's like 6 guys on staff at the park ( Not counting the wardens. There's only 2 girl ones of those but they're still really cool) Some of my co-workers are really cool, I haven't met all of them yet, but they can be a little blonde at times. I can be a little on the clue less side when the mood hits me so I'm not offended. It was a really good day. My mind is in a lot of places so I apologize for how scattered this post must seem.

-Later skaters

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Go for a ride.

"It's all a mistake how long will it take when the dreams are all gone?"

I went for a little ride this afternoon. Not like the other rides I take all the time. This one was shorter and it wasn't just to see how far I could get away from home in an hour. So I took my bike, my main mode of transport, out for a little go. There are a few hills around my place. Nothing that can't be handled by my tiny gears. Anywho this ride is all downhill on the way there and all uphill on the way back. And not one of those little, steep hill you can just power your way up on. No, it's one of those hill that has a slope of about 1/17 and is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. So, on the way back I decided to take this hill slow. Bare in mind that the day is 35* plus humidex. So I'm going, and going, and going. I get to the steepest part of this idiot hill and I'm just like, "oh!" I got to the top ( still had a slope though) to face another large hill. By this time I'm getting the hang of this hill thing. I'm glistening with sweat and my shades are sliding down my nose along with the droplets. I didn't think to bring water; a mistake.

I'm home and almost dead. I lookin the mirror to see a waterfall of sweat on my face and arms. The rest of me is dry as a bone but my face looks like it just got a bucket of water thrown at it. I immediately came downstairs to cool off and tell you all about it.

One way

Some day when my lfe has passed me i'll aly around and i'll wonder why you were always there for me.

Some say better things will come out way no matter what they try to say you were always there for me.

Blah blah I just got yelled at and I lost my train of thought. Idots love to inturupt me with somthing that could wait for at least 5 minuts till I'm done.


I am not the artist but I am his work of art.
I am not the best but I like the way I am.
I am not the best speller but poelpe gte teh mesasge.
I am not the critic but I can still make somone feel bad.
I am not supposed to write in different colors but I do anyway.
I'm not supposed to be writing this but I am anyway.

-Later Scaters

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sweet Dreams

off and out now. I'll catch the wind tomrrow if I feel the need

Friday, June 24, 2005

I like pleasure spiked with pain

Oh yeah. Perfect summer day. This morning I woke up. . . at 9:30 and it felt really good. After waking up I went out and cut grass on the request of my dad. I took a bath after that. Yes a bath. Not a crappy shower, I took a bath and had a shave which also felt really good. Now I have no more hair on the sides or front of my face and no hair on my chest either. And it feels really good. After peruseing around the house with my shirt off so I could show off my hairlessness to no one I went outside to get a tan . . . . and it felt really good. Later I'll head over to galaxy and hang out with some friends. I hope it'll be really good. This is the best day I've had in so long. I've been listening to the "Big shiny tunes" series all day and just chillin'. Today has been a really good day. I'm gunna bike into PTBO soon and visit all the people in P-town. I was sipping some awesome lemonade while tanning too. Yummy

-Later Scaters

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Standing infront of the whole school the presenter started to sweat.
Drops running down his face dampening his collar and the silence he left.
He reached into his jacket and laid the cool metal in the podium.
Slide back, click. Hammer forward, click. Slide forward . . .
The silence was equal to the intensity of the blast.
Shot himself in the face infront of a few hundred people.
Pressure eased at last.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Royal With Cheese

Got my new uniform for work. I look like an egg head, park attendant with short shorts and pressed pants. I wear high cut boots and shorts and I smile while saying hello. I need to know alot of crazy stuff for this job. I made $60 yeasterday and I guess that helps my fairly tight budget.

Friday, June 17, 2005

New Template

I just thought I should post for the occasion for all you avid readers out there. I did well on my presentation today and the exam. I'm not so sure about the math test though. I do better than others but not as well as some in math.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Upload this!

Fwahahah. I feel the need to laugh. Today was the most useless day I have ever seem. The only purpose of today was to prepare me for tomorrow. Exam tomorrow and a twenty minute presentation for my beloved English class. I'm ready for the presentation and I know it'll all work out in the end. I have faith in that. I just hope somehow it would be revealed a little earlier then when I present it. If we're seriously short on time We'll start acting out hateful moments in play or make obscure and hazy connections between lines. Hate and love state our subject. Oh how I love to hate all subjects. How I'd hate to love them. How we're forced to love them. Enough of this.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Tell me you wanna be different? You Just changed to a different Similarity.

Ha, and you thought you were special didn't you?
None of us are except in the eyes of one of two.

Not the point of the post though. I could carry on but I feel not the need for it. Fine by you? Good.

Thought of something today; doesn't happen very often.
Capture in your mind a black man with salt and pepper hair smoking a cigar in the corner of a vary y high class hotel. What does he know? What is he thinking? It's grand to profess to think about what others think about. It may seem vain if the person you're thinking about thinking about it thinking of you. Ha! Figure that out simpleton. Anyway, laying on by bed in the blistering heat of the day thinking about some strange man indulging his habit. Why? I'll tell you why. One thinks of the things he wishes he could do or be. I thought of a truly deep thinker that let the cigar burn down not even thinking of savoring the aroma of it. Just drifting in his clouds of thought and smoke. Think about the thinkers once in a while; you won't know what you turn up


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

In mind

Just to let you know I have you on my mind. I have more of a mind to mind my own business more often. It gets me into far to much trouble to get involved with anyone these days. These days go slowly ever dragging on to the music of my death march to only end in a long or far too short rest. Would you allow me to exorcise my fists upon your face or would you prefer me to put my mind to it instead? Which is more the danger? I feel like a dead battery giving it all it has to come up far to short in the long run and to be disregarded. Ever feel used somehow?

I feel like the dead battery all that's left is my bitter, acidic and poisonous words to calm the minds of those interested; that can't keep their noses out of it. Exorcise my boots on the back of your head or my mind on the rest of the absent world that doesn't care about all the things that should be cared about. The people we see are the people who live ion the lives of others. Let them take the keys to your mind and let them have yours. Drive your course and steer your belief. Sick of it yet? Let me continue.

Sharp as the blade that cuts or as dull as the one that leaves no mark? The problem with the dull blade: it leaves no impression and no scar. Draws no blood and draws no thought. So draw and be cut by the sharp blade that leaves you staggering for breath your blood and conscious thought pouring forth. It makes for a better story than someone who takes a blunt knife to you with their dull mind thinking they'll leave on you a mark.

I'm sick of these simpleton I see. I'm sick of the people that don't say what they think out loud. I'm sick of the people who don't try for the answer. I'm sick of all these people trying to leave their mark on me with their dull blades. Hit me with something heavier with more meaning and I'll be sure to notice. Find something original and hammer your point through another's skull. Leave your mark so they never forget! Never settle for less than you see can aspire to. I hate these people who ponder all the simple decisions that are thrown at them. Take your mind and set it to something.

Ever been sick of hearing about all the little things that everyone sees over, and over, and over?

Play you ace and win while you sharpen your knives, wit and think of something better to do with yourself.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My Sober Second Thought

Golden Brown texture like sun,
Lays me Down with my man she run,
Threw out the nine, no need to fight,
Never a frown with Golden Brown.

I was gunna make a better post for such a good title but the occasion never arose. I'll quote Snatch every so often so please don't be offended. Hit the walls till my knuckles bruised. Better to pummel something that won't feel it I guess. Never knew I could hit concrete so hard. Several cuts on them now. I'm so angry about evidencing and no way to express it and no one to tell about it. Those the message is intended for don't want to listen. Blissful in their ignorance.