The Framed Picture

Monday, September 27, 2004

And we go "Ah"

-Tall and tanned and young and lovely the gal from Ebanima goes walking and, when she passes, each one, she passes goes "Ah"- Jazz Song

All the people that try to be beautiful. Why do we throw on the makeup and the revealing clothing and complain about the shirts that make us look fat? A person who is being themselves is beautiful in a most extradition way.

-The media will be the death of us all.-

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Don't I look helpless. . .

Here is me, I like the way I look anyway.

Friday, September 17, 2004

There were two of them...

There were two of them side by side, the same but no identical. One was old and one was new. The new one was full and ready to burst into the world with all it wad to give and the old one was empty and wrinkled. With nothing more to give than the history that is had seen. The new one had something to give to the world and the the old one was dry and dusty, hunched and decrepit. Just two pop cans side by side on the table behind me. or something else? Think about it.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

What is?

Patience is . . . . . . . . . Letting a spider build a web between your arm and a wall.
preservative's is. . . . .Not letting your arm drop so the spider can work.
Art is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The spiders work.
Reward is. . . . . . . . . . .The spider catching a fly.
Wrath is . . . . . . . . . . . .Destroying the web cause you don't like spiders.
Disappointment is. . . .What the spider felt.
Responsibility is. . . . . The spiders next web.
Quitting is. . . . . . . . . . What the spider didn't do.
Shame is. . . . . . . . . . . How I feel for letting my arm drop.
A while ago I was on a bus and there was a very small spider on my backpack. I don't really like spiders so I felt like I had to squish him. Under normal circumstances I would've ,but, this time I restrained myself to watch him. And he started to build a web. . . Between the seat and my bare arm. It felt really weird. I had to get off the bus at my stop but I didn't want to because I wanted to watch the spider at work. I also didn't want to destroy the spiders hard work and product. Ever since I have felt bad about moving my arm. It was a learning experience for both of us.

Monday, September 06, 2004

One Good Turn Deserves Another

I just witnessed the most absurd thing. My father sent me outside tonight to close the car windows. I had to turn the lights on to see where I was going in the dark. I closed the car windows without any problem at all. Except the lights stayed on and that bothered me(I'll check that one out in the morning) but that is neither here nor there. When I was walking up the cement steps to my door I noticed all the spiders on the outside. I also watched a moth. The moth just happened to fly into the spiders web. The spider did not move to bite the moth but stayed where it was and watched the moth struggle in the spiders beautiful construction of death. After the moth was so entangled it could not move, the Spider moved in. The spider was about 1/4 the size of the moth. I then realized that the moth would never have been near my door if I hadn't turned the light on. So therefore the spider wouldn't've had his fine meal that night if it hadn't've been for my lack of sight in the dark, and the moth needn't have died. It shows how the weak can defeat the strong with a little help. The spider showed patience when watching the moth for it surely would've been injured if it came to near(due to the violent struggling of the moth). It was the most absurd demonstration of the power of nature. -Comment on this one please.-

What do you live for

Life for the living, so check me tomorrow, we'll see if I'm emperor. . .

How little that line might mean to you it means a fair bit to me. For me, the line represents a persons willingness to do some thing with their life. Life is for the people who make a conscious choice to try harder at something. The harder you try the farther you will go. A friend of mine asked me once, " Why do you try so hard?" I thought about it for awhile and then replied, "Life isn't worth living if you don't try." I've lived by that principle for as long as I can remember. It's gotten me places that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Put an effort into something. . . Karma will eventually get back to you when you need it most.

I look at all the Lonely People

I work my way through a sea of trees.
Looking for something, someone I need.
They block me, stop me, hinder me, talk to me.
Telling me what I don't need to hear.
Caught in these trees I lose my way,
Listen to my party moveing farther away.
No one to help me. No one to hear me.
I surrender to the darkness and let them take me.

Trees are the people that block you from where you want to go and who you want to be with. They surround you, influence you, look familiar and point in all the wrong directions. Don't follow the trees. Stay with your party and be yourself. -Andy

Saturday, September 04, 2004

On the trail of Jesus

And all the day we hunted and nothing we could find,
but a book speaking the word of god
and I dare not leave it behind.

For a long time I thought about being a Christian. Most of my friends either thought I was or thought the idea was absurd. For me the idea was absurd. I openly chose to not partake in what I did not believe in. . . And at the moment I didn't believe in god. That's until I met a guy called Aaron or A.P for short. A.P is a mad beat-boxer and can bust-a-rhyme pretty good when he wants to. Anyway, my dear sister convinced me to come to a Christian camp for a week of hardcore god lovin' bible thumpin' great times. I was thoroughly convinced I wouldn't become a Christian at that time. I just wasn't into that kindof thing. Well while I was there I met A.P the best guy ever in my opinion and he played big part in leading me to god. One night at altar call we had this sortof open mic for anyone who wanted to say something. And so I, after much urging form my companions went up to speak my peace. I got a very large round of applause on the way up which kept up my confidence and stopped me from backing out. And hen I was up there infront of so many people I found I could say what was on my mind. I thanked them all for being there and told them I had a great time at the camp(which I did) and at the end I found myself yelling at the top of my lungs GOD ROCKS!!! and then I knew that I was a Christian through and through and all the doubt I had was gone. And I felt the best I'd felt ever. As I walked back to my seat I felt uplifted at the round of applause I got. noone knew I was a Christian then but I knew it and god knew it and that was all that mattered. I'd just like to say thanks to all the people who helped me find God A.P, Cathleen, Tegan and all the others. I'll never forget you.