The Framed Picture

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

On the rock

Well the rock is an Air Conditioned hut in Emily Park, Ontario. I work at the gate and it's so good. So far anyway. I like my job and I make roughly 50$ a day and it feels really good. To have money at my disposal feels really good. Almost as good as tanning outside did. I work with some really cool people. Like 5 girls and 1 guy. Go figure. There's like 6 guys on staff at the park ( Not counting the wardens. There's only 2 girl ones of those but they're still really cool) Some of my co-workers are really cool, I haven't met all of them yet, but they can be a little blonde at times. I can be a little on the clue less side when the mood hits me so I'm not offended. It was a really good day. My mind is in a lot of places so I apologize for how scattered this post must seem.

-Later skaters


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