The Framed Picture

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

And now for somthing....

OK here's how this works. Anyone who comes across this is obligated to wite thier nbame and ten things about themselves in the comment box. Chow yall


  • meag.
    1. I am also a girl
    2. I think YOU should be doing the posting.
    3. I slept all friggin day. :(
    4. I work tomorrow.
    5. I got in an argument with one of my best friends yesterday
    5. I live in a house with thirteen, soon to be fourteen people.
    6. I want new clothes. But this island is too small to have a plus size store. So I'll have to take a ferry to Victoria to get some
    7. OSAP hates me. I dont know what I ever did to OSAP.
    8. I pray at work, when I grind the coffee.
    9. I'm coming home in two months But I'll have my own place
    10. I am your big sis.

    By Blogger .letting go, at 9:52 PM  

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