The Framed Picture

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

School Day, School day

Teehee, sitting in my gym class typeing awayat an assignment and other wise doing nothing in particular. Reading over my notes on a subject of suicide and realizing that it is definatly a proble in today's society. Suicide is up, alot! Gorls wil tyr to commit suiice almat 4 times as much as guys but guys seem to sucseed more and more often. It's kinda sad really that one teenn in america will die ever 17 minuts due to suicide. It's the third leading cause of death in youth these days. A problem indeed. "This is gay, gay, gay, gay, gay," sais Nate in the chair beside me. "Gaaayyyyyy," Sais Ferris in the next. Al the same I got it done last night in my midnight homework stint after a very unsucsessful hockey game. This typing is getting me bored and so I wil know bid thee adue untill a time I see fit.



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