Vegan Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun day Sunday. Alright, the day is Sunday and I think I'll spend a day with my dear sis Meags. I spend a few hours chillin at The Third Space with the people. Listening to a grasping speech/ interactive lecture on rhythms. the thinggummer basicly told us to go out and talk to people about just anything and make it fun. It was a good time and I had the best penutbutter cookie ever!. It had chacolate swirlies and nuts and yummy stuff and it was just grand.
Anyways, it was later that day, about the time when people eat; we had like 15 people over. We had two Dans who were one Dan. We had a hot metal head and a funky vegan who thinks I'm old. We had an Emo kid in denial. Then we had me. I was a tad younger than most of the chaps and chapessess there but they didn't seem to know, or care. I hate it when I hang about older people and they're all surprised when they find out I'm six years younger then they are. It's sad when they ask me what year I'm in and they wonder why I cringe before I answer. Little me.
The night before that I went over to a friends house for her birthday par-tay. I got literally raped in twister but the rusult of baring sexual assaultation was being the victor of the greatest boy/girl game of all time. ( alright all the civil ones) and ( fetish night does not count as civil!). By the by we watched a disney mopvie while cramming a bunch of people onto one couch. Good times Good times.
Ugg it's time for homework and my fingers are tierd. Nighty nighty -Andy
Anyways, it was later that day, about the time when people eat; we had like 15 people over. We had two Dans who were one Dan. We had a hot metal head and a funky vegan who thinks I'm old. We had an Emo kid in denial. Then we had me. I was a tad younger than most of the chaps and chapessess there but they didn't seem to know, or care. I hate it when I hang about older people and they're all surprised when they find out I'm six years younger then they are. It's sad when they ask me what year I'm in and they wonder why I cringe before I answer. Little me.
The night before that I went over to a friends house for her birthday par-tay. I got literally raped in twister but the rusult of baring sexual assaultation was being the victor of the greatest boy/girl game of all time. ( alright all the civil ones) and ( fetish night does not count as civil!). By the by we watched a disney mopvie while cramming a bunch of people onto one couch. Good times Good times.
Ugg it's time for homework and my fingers are tierd. Nighty nighty -Andy
actually peach, you weren't the only young one there. two seventeen year olds. One of the Dans is seventeen, and Elyse is seventeen too. So there you go! No ageism here!
I know how you feel about the whole age question though, sometimes I just dont tell my age. I'm still the young one out of many of my friends.
Anyway dude, it was fantastic having you over, my friends think you're great and so do I. Thanks for help with the dishes!
All my love,
.letting go, at 2:02 AM
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