Feel good
Windmill Windmill father fly I'm forever happy now . . .
I'm so pissed right now I had Matt's knife in my sky-rocket so Aaron wouldn't forget to give it him when he came back to get it today. Forget about it while playing catch and watching forgot club so when my mum came to give me a ride home cause I had no key it was still in my fuckin' pocket. Trust me to not remember it till my jeans are in the wash and it's in my mother's hand which in turn means my dad has it and he thinks I'm gunna run someone through with a pocket knife. What a tool, he goes halfway to interrogate me in my room and asks the same questions over and over again meanwhile I'm getting ticked off and he tells me not to give him attitude. How the hell am I supposed to react. My father doesn't trust me with 3 inches of folded steel and he keeps on asking me the same questions hoping I'll change my story to his satisfaction. My story wasn't all truth. I didn't tell him I was holding it till Matt got there and even if I had've told him he would've thought it Bull anyways so what was the point. So Aaron is gunna get in shit for my bad memory Mat doesn't have his knife back and my dad thinks I'm a fucking liar. I know how to make C4 in my kitchen and he's worried about a knife. He should keep a closer eye on the damn spice cupboard if he wants to keep other someone safe from me. He took my lockback too and I can't find it. Point and case is he doesn't trust me and I'm ticked all to shit
Have a nice night.
I'm so pissed right now I had Matt's knife in my sky-rocket so Aaron wouldn't forget to give it him when he came back to get it today. Forget about it while playing catch and watching forgot club so when my mum came to give me a ride home cause I had no key it was still in my fuckin' pocket. Trust me to not remember it till my jeans are in the wash and it's in my mother's hand which in turn means my dad has it and he thinks I'm gunna run someone through with a pocket knife. What a tool, he goes halfway to interrogate me in my room and asks the same questions over and over again meanwhile I'm getting ticked off and he tells me not to give him attitude. How the hell am I supposed to react. My father doesn't trust me with 3 inches of folded steel and he keeps on asking me the same questions hoping I'll change my story to his satisfaction. My story wasn't all truth. I didn't tell him I was holding it till Matt got there and even if I had've told him he would've thought it Bull anyways so what was the point. So Aaron is gunna get in shit for my bad memory Mat doesn't have his knife back and my dad thinks I'm a fucking liar. I know how to make C4 in my kitchen and he's worried about a knife. He should keep a closer eye on the damn spice cupboard if he wants to keep other someone safe from me. He took my lockback too and I can't find it. Point and case is he doesn't trust me and I'm ticked all to shit
Have a nice night.
andrew. come on. you're overreacting. they were pissed because you had a knife on you. You're not supposed to have knives on you. End of story... no more discussion after that point.
They love you dearly bud, and they're doing the best they can. They did their best with me and shannon and they messed up and learned too okay? Just like you mess up sometimes and learn from it. Cut them some slack. They've never had a sixteen year old son before and they're learning as they go... always with your best interests at heart. We've got some of the best parents that walk this planet, no lie. They're human. they learn. They make mistakes sometimes. They are also our PARENTS, and we (I really do mean all three of us here.. me especially even) we need to honour them. Even if they are dead wrong we need to honour them.
Trust their intentions Andrew, even if you think they are being tools. Like I said, they love you a lot.
.letting go, at 10:25 PM
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