The Framed Picture

Monday, September 12, 2005

Rip out your eyes

Pardon me while I gag myself. I feel like I'm missing something that everyone else has or is presently losing . . . I wonder what it could be. I'll have some bacon with my French exchange student. She's so pretty. I'll marry her one day. Only one problem: she lives in France. Bloody country on the other side of the flippin' world. Long distance relationships never work out for me and it doesn't get much farther than that. Phone bill will be sky high but the upside is I better pick up French in like 3 days or this won't work out for me. French is ok I could live with another language. Actually, come to think of it, I could live with a person that speaks another language. I'm so scatterminded. Is it even a word? Anyways I'm missing my little sleep in between school and all it's things that are tacked onto it. Silly thing it is.


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