Oh, and boondock saints is an excelent movie.
Work is as good as gold and better. I'm missing the staff party as we speak. I'm invited to all of them but th ecrowd is 5 years older than I am so I'm not sure how that would go over. I wish I could just like be there then leave but no. I have no way to get there but i have a definate way to get back. What a day.
And then there was light, and after light came maintainence. Today i vonenteered in maintainence. Twas a very nice 5 hours before i actually start my real shift. So i begin to learn the art of scraping paint and then painting it back on. Fun for the whole family. Call me up and I'll tell you all about it . . .
Work is as good as gold and better. I'm missing the staff party as we speak. I'm invited to all of them but th ecrowd is 5 years older than I am so I'm not sure how that would go over. I wish I could just like be there then leave but no. I have no way to get there but i have a definate way to get back. What a day.
And then there was light, and after light came maintainence. Today i vonenteered in maintainence. Twas a very nice 5 hours before i actually start my real shift. So i begin to learn the art of scraping paint and then painting it back on. Fun for the whole family. Call me up and I'll tell you all about it . . .
what's with the swearing? Thought you weren't into that action.
:P staff party. I liiiike those.
.letting go, at 3:01 AM
Obveously you haven't seen the movie. It's ok it's your fault.
Accultus, at 8:36 PM
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