The Framed Picture

Monday, August 29, 2005

Seems like a nice place to be

Today home feels like a nice place to be. I'm tired hot, and drained and redundant.
You know me, 10 pounds of shit crammed into a 5 pound bag. Just the way I feel today. I left behind the working world and I wish I could stay. Money in a pocket has a tendency to feel really good. I also liked to be around somebody actually doing something for like 8 hours a day being around people all the time. Makes one feel good knowing hat you're making others happy. Alas, now it's over. Feel the the end of a school year. Except with a 10 month vacation before you get to see your friends again. Makes one feel very small and lonely. I left behind me home at work and the people I lived with for 2 months. I'll not see them all again in a long time if ever. Most of them are crawling back to their respective universities. I got a couple numbers and few addresses. People never really call and say,"wanna hang out for a night." I might start something then. Got one number that's kindof important. I have no idea what I'd say if I ever did giver her a call; "So . . . How 'bout them local sports teams." (bores will kill me for improper use of a semicolon).
I'm lost for what to feel or say. Alot's been going through the old brain box lately; Some good some bad. I don't really know what to do about this whole back to school thing. I'm going shopping with a bunch of people I haven't seen in 2 months tomorrow. I'll need to save my wit and best humor for the day. Shopping takes all ones energy. I've stopped growing. I haven't needed new shoes in some time now. I didn't quite make it taller than dad but he's 6'3". I'll try not to scoff at a second medal in the growing race.
Talking to Mr. Ruban right now. He's bringing up memories of Queens.

I'm out for the night. Later skaters!- Andy

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Men in glass houses sink ships...

Less than a year and I miss her more than anyone. She passed through ptbo and I didn't know it till she was gone. I felt like my heart turned to iron and dropped out of me. I miss her more and more. I can hardly wait till next year when I get to see her again. I met her outside of a dance when I offered her my coat to ward of the chill of fall. It smelled like her for days and her smell was so sweet. After that I saw her the next day and haven't seen her since. I want to go back and talk about all the things we've done since. She was passing through ptbo and I missed her.

I miss her so. . .

Saturday, August 06, 2005

And all the day we hunted and nothing we could find,
but a book containing the word of god,
and I dare not leave it behind.

One year. Happy anniversary to me. I still remember when I was a Wesley Acres and I was in chapel and I was thinking about how sick I felt and how much being there wasn't my cup of tea. I still remember the night, clear as crystal, when I yelled at a crowd of people. Best night of my life as of yet and not soon to change.
I think it was called an altar call; when people come up and share what they've done, felt or learned in the time they've been in the presence of God. I must've been one of the last ones t to go up and speak my piece and I didn't feel so good about it at the time. I decided to go up and give a shot and see what I had to say. What I said came strangely natural and I didn't have the normal stage fright that usually overcomes me when I get up in front of an audience. I thanked everyone for being there and shoving me through everything. I dunno why I said it but felt like the right thing to say at the time. I meant to say god rocks but I ended up yelling it at the top of my lungs. I put down the microphone when I said it for sake of not blowing the speakers. It felt so right.
It still feels right and I still feel like I could go and feel it all again. I feel some if it tonight. There's no crowd and no one to hear me scream but I still feel like I'm there. I've never felt better.
I'm still here and still Christian and still working my way through the pages of wisdom rules and guidance but I don't feel alone doing it. I know God's here with me and he's lookin' at me and he's saying, "hey, he didn't turn out so bad did he?" I still could scream but I'll just say it, "God rocks guys."

-Have faith and chill

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

None of your twittering larks

It's been a while since I've posted. I feel so out of place being here. I've had the most bitter sweet week of all time. Not many stories I've heard can compair. A long week and an even longer weekend.
I got stood up by an old friend of mine. I'd really like to believe her story but it does seem a little thin in lots of parts. Oh well the night went just the same only with a little change of cast. I went with a couple of friends but it's not the same as going with one of the long lost loves of your life that you havent seen in a couple of years. Not the same in the least. Tonight I played ultimate frizbee after a decently long bike ride. I was well done after that. The subway sandwich helped out alot. I was very hungry.
Oh well, cause of the whhole Emma thing I feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. I'll see what I can find to do tomorrow.
