The Framed Picture

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Wind has Shifted

I needed to get the title down
i'll finish this later when i fine an appropriate event.

Ok, here we go I didn't find an event cause I've been far to out of it to post latly. Benn far to tierd for alot of things. Fell asleep in math and english. Niether of my techers were very impressed. Borek is beign a tyrant giving us this much to do all in one go. I'm sick of it but I have no option really. To quit is to fail and failure is not an option. Sometimes I wish it was but then I wouldn't be me then would I? I need to try some more of this sleeping thing. You can't die from not sleeping but you can get really messed up. I feel like Jodi. She doesn't sleep. Pumping out another creative writing. You can't really force a good one of those out on demand but it's not my problem I suppose. I appear to be bored with the same old same old and my ray of sunshine is gone. All I have left is god and my school work. It's more than enough to keep me occupied. Girls aent an option at the moment either and they won't be for a year of two when I have a high average and a better outlook on sleeping. Reading up on Romeo and Juliet. Far to much sex in that play. "Draw thy tool!" " My naked weapon is out. Quarrel, I will back thee." Ha no sexual inuendos in there at all. What a clean minded man this Shakspeare fellow was. There is a rumor about that all his plays were acctually written by my good friend Mr. Marloe. Scandle? Maybe. I feel not like talking furthermore so i shall leave thee to thine rest and me to mine writings of day in day out coals. Hot yet blackened.

Have faith - Andy


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