I don't think anyone would read a biography of my life. Some might envy me but most wouldn't . . .or at least I hope they wouldn't.
A life full of ups and downs. . . about even but latly it's been all downs with the occasional up to make it bearable. A bad time for me but with only me to blame.
To blame somone else is human nature. I fell more human more 'down to earth' than I have in a long time. It just keeps going down. I'm sinking and being buried by the weight of my guilt. It push myself up to only have somone pile one more shovel full of emotional dirt in my face.
The harder I try to get out the worse I feel and the deeper I sink.
A life full of ups and downs. . . about even but latly it's been all downs with the occasional up to make it bearable. A bad time for me but with only me to blame.
To blame somone else is human nature. I fell more human more 'down to earth' than I have in a long time. It just keeps going down. I'm sinking and being buried by the weight of my guilt. It push myself up to only have somone pile one more shovel full of emotional dirt in my face.
The harder I try to get out the worse I feel and the deeper I sink.
Hey andre. I think that I've felt something the way you feel now. I think we all get seasons like this. Guilt's not something you need to be buried by, you're forgiven remember. To quote you - have faith.
.letting go, at 3:18 AM
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